Skin Booster

The Hollywood glow injection

Why Skinboosters?
Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of your skin that keeps it hydrated and soft. With age, or due to a harsh environment, the hyaluronic acid content in your skin may decrease, and your skin may lose some of its elasticity and hydration.
Skinboosters restores the natural composition of your skin. It boosts skin elasticity and you will notice a reduction of skin roughness. Your skin becomes smooth and hydrated for a refreshed and healthy look.

Treatment areas:

Skinboosters bring hydration and softness to areas that feel dry, have lost elasticity, or where fine lines and wrinkles have started to appear. Skinboosters can be used on the skin of your face, neck, décolletage and hands. Clinical studies prove the lasting impact of Skinboosters. Physicians reported Skinboosters gave their patients smoother, more radiant-looking skin

How it works:

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that has a unique ability to bind water. It keeps your body tissues soft, hydrated and flexible. Natural hyaluronic acid in the body quickly forms and degrades (in 24 to 48 hours). To make the hyaluronic acid in Skinboosters last longer, for several months or even a year, degradation is delayed by cross-linking the hyaluronic acid molecules. This way, Skinboosters will form small “reservoirs” of moisture beneath the skin’s surface, giving you long-lasting hydration and radiance.

Before Skin Booster Procedure:

We ask you to hydrate well before coming for your skin booster treatment. Drink a lot of water in the few days prior to your treatment. Skin that is hydrated allows the both the HA booster to enhance this skin rather than just repairing the skin, thus allowing you to achieve the best result. Most clients tolerate the procedure well. A topical numbing cream can be used for those who have a low tolerance for pain.

After the Skin Booster Procedure:

You can expect some bruising and swelling and perhaps a mild breakout. These are temporary effects and should subside within 48 hours. You may want to take some time from the spotlight if it’s your first treatment with skin boosters.
We recommend a course of three skin booster treatment sessions for best results. Increased skin moisture will be realized within a week while collagen and elastin regeneration longer.

For more information about treatments, schedule a consultation here.